Research & Prepare. Interview Skills.

Engaging & Well Spoken

Preparing for the interview

  • Research the company.
  • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the company and/or position.
  • Be prepared with answers to questions you anticipate being asked.
  • Get directions and make a “trial run”.
  • Plan your wardrobe (professional attire – preferably a suit).
  • Prepare a typed list of references.
  • Review your resume and prepare copies for each interviewer.
  • Role play the interview.

Interviewing Skills

  • Go to the interview alone, arrive early, and minimize your belongings.
  • Have direct eye contact, be enthusiastic, and smile. You want to impress everyone.
  • Never talk negatively about a previous employer.
  • Show that you are knowledgeable about the position and company.
  • Give a firm handshake and thank the interviewer for his/her time.
  • Express your interest in the position and restate why you are a fit.
  • Follow-up with a thank you note.

Questions to ask the interviewer

  • Why is this position open? What do you think are the most important priorities for being successful in this job?
  • What have others found to be the most challenging aspect of this position?
  • What are your company’s goals?
  • Would it be possible to take a tour of the office in order to see the area that I would be working in?
  • Where are you in the interview process? When do you plan to make a decision?

Sample Questions

  • What do you need in a supervisor? Describe a supervisor you respected. How are you similar or different from that person?
  • What have been your least successful relationships at work? What did you do to try to create a better relationship?
  • What is a “pet peeve” you have had about an organization or an environment you’ve worked in?
  • Describe some of the positives and negatives of your most recent performance evaluation.
  • How has your present job developed you to take on even greater responsibilities?
  • We have a number of applicants interviewing for this position. Why should we take a closer look at you?
  • What accomplishment was the most difficult for you to achieve?